Neck Pain Treatments

The neck is home to some vital bodily structures. Your breath and your food all travel inside it and the spine carries all the nerves from the brain to the other parts of the body. When you have neck pain in Burleson, TX, Dr. Don Haygood at Essential Wellness of Burleson has the therapies and treatments that can get you back to your pain-free life. 

Many different things can cause pain in the neck. It can originate in the soft tissues and also in the skeletal system. How the neck pain is treated will depend on the root cause of the pain. 

Chiropractic adjustment

The chiropractic adjustment is one of the cornerstone treatments that a chiropractor uses to help his patients achieve wellness. For the body to work at its optimal level, all the vertebrae need to be in alignment so that the messages from the brain get out to all the organs and areas of the body. Dr. Haygood offers low-force adjustments that gently move the vertebrae back into alignment. This helps to reduce the inflammation in the neck and allow healing to occur. 

Acupuncture and Dry Needling

Acupuncture and dry needling are techniques that stimulate the body’s natural healing response. By causing microdamage at the points where needles are inserted, they cause the body to send healing nutrients and release more energy for tissue regeneration.

Therapeutic ultrasound

For neck pain in Burleson, TX, therapeutic ultrasound is an option for pain relief. The sound waves vibrate the soft tissues, causing the release of endorphins, which are natural pain relievers. Ultrasound can also reduce muscle spasms and increase blood flow to the area where the pain is located. 

Therapeutic exercise

Therapeutic exercises help you to continue your road to healing and wellness when you are at home. The chiropractor will give you the exercises to stretch and strengthen your neck so that it can remain in good alignment. Some exercises will also be to strengthen your back. 

Massage therapy

Massage therapy allows many other chiropractic therapies to work better. It is a perfect complement to a chiropractic adjustment. When the muscles in the neck relax, they are less likely to continue putting excess pressure on the spinal joints.  

Contact Dr. Haygood of Essential Wellness of Burleson when you have neck pain in Burleson, TX. To make an appointment, give us a call at 817-371-2551

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